Windows Insider Events

Events quickly became a major part of my role with the Windows Insider Program. From designing all of our PowerPoint presentations, to videos that would run at our booth or show users demos, to fliers, stickers, and on the fly changes on the floor, my design and content skills never went to waste.

6th anniversary of WIP

For the 6th anniversary during the pandemic, my team compiled thank you’s from stakeholders across Windows, which I then flexed my broadcast skills for, serving as the voiceover audio, and cutting together all the pieces.

Fliers for 2019 events

I also took on designing the fliers that were handed out for all of our 2019 events for both our booth and our partner booth, the Office Insider Program.

WIP for business event flierWIP for developers event flierOIP event flierOIP event flier

Microsoft Inspire 2019

We partnered with the Office Insider Program for connected booths at this event this year, so I made us both these simple but parallel matching videos to play on a loop on our main booth screens.

Microsoft Ignite 2019

For Ignite, I continued with our Inspire video, tweaked to focus on the event’s target audience and graphics.

Microsoft Ignite 2018

I did the graphic design of the presentations for the Windows Insider Program’s speakers, and I designed multiple how-to videos for the program that we showed at our booth on the show floor.


Internally, we also held a small event to help our engineering teams get to know all the ways they could leverage the Windows Insider Program at the time. I made fliers for promoting the workshop and ninjacat stickers (our unofficial mascot then) for activities at the event, which were a fun little design challenge.