Windows Insider Social Media

Community was always a huge part of the Windows Insider Program, with social media often being a key surface for that. Not only did we put ourselves out there, putting our names and faces to the program across events and content, but as I took over our social media presence, I also engaged on social media constantly, promoting new flights and content and answering how-to and bug questions. While this was a thriving community, it also meant constant work to create content, so creative templates and campaigns became cornerstones of our presence.

Through my strategy, content, and design on social media, I was able to increase our:

  • Posts by 2 per day
  • Impressions by 80%
  • Engagement rate by 0.37%
  • Clicks by 292%
  • Likes by 83%
  • Retweets by 33%

Webcast promotions

Webcasts were something we originally struggled with making interesting visuals for, which hurt our consistency in promoting them, so I built a simple graphics template to help us share these moments and better build an audience.

Podcast promotions

Promoting podcasts was an important part of my work on them, and it started when I was in the studio. I took photos of guests with our host Jason Howard to help listeners put a face to their names.

I also built custom animation templates that let us plug in audio clips for easy but graphic sneak peaks of topics in the podcast.

Article promotions

Promoting articles on social was always the final step in their process, and we liked to highlight their impressive accomplishments with real world photography.

Holiday campaigns

The holidays were often slow for the Windows Insider Program in terms of preview builds, so they were the perfect opportunity for us to have some fun. Normally for these, I crafted the campaign idea and content, built all the graphics and illustrations, scheduled or posted everything as needed, and managed ongoing engagement around posts with the community.

#12DaysOfWIP in 2021

In 2021, after my departure from the Windows Insider team, I still worked with their new team on some posts for the holidays. While they weren’t scheduled at peak times to reach the level of engagement of previous years, which was outside my control, the graphics were still some of my favorites, especially the dog key command animation I made.

#25DaysOfWIP and #WIPHolidayGiftBag in 2020

In 2020, the pandemic made it harder than ever to craft interactive and visual content, like videos and events, so for the holidays, we wanted to do something special. I crafted a campaign that led them on a scavenger hunt through our digital content to collect clues each day that at the end would spell out a URL that let them enter to win a sweepstakes for a select number of gift bags of Windows Insider merch. My personal favorites were the introduction post, VR event, and octopus illustration.

This campaign was a huge success for all our platforms in terms of engagement and seemed like a hit with Insiders:

An Insider MVP's post about their holiday gift bag.

#25DaysOfWIP in 2019

Our first holiday campaign took a deeper look at some of the features and changes Insider feedback helped make happen. I built all these graphics and illustrations to create a campaign that felt like an advent calendar of how they’ve driven progress in Windows.